dissabte, 27 de desembre del 2008


Un dels avenços més importants d'internet és la possibilitat de comunicar-se a temps real amb ciutandans de qualsevol banda del món. D'aquesta manera, podem entendre millor els processos polítics que esdevenen al món. I això és el que he fet.

La Miranda Marquit és una freelance de 29 anys de Logan, Utah. Aquesta jove nord-americana hi té posades moltes esperances en la recent elecció de Barack Obama com a President dels Estats Units, tot i que mostra cert escepticisme ateses les desorbitades expectatives que s'hi han dipositat. Gràcies a la Miranda, podem pendre el pols a com veu Obama una jove periodista nord-americana.

What means to you the election of Barack Obama?

To me, the election of Barack Obama is a sign of progress. His youth and vitality also resonates with me in that it appears that the young are ready to move up and take over in American politics. I have always been interested in politics, and it was very inspiring to see others under the age of 30 engaging and becoming involved.

Do you believe that he will be a good president?

I certainly think he will do his best to be a good president. I think he'll be the best president we've had here in the U.S. in around 40 years

Is he really a change?

I hope he is. I think he wants to make changes, and I believe that he will try. Will he succeed? I don't know. I'm just cyncial enough to wonder whether he can really fight against the established order and make a change. Another problem is that things are so crazy right now that he might get in the habit of making concessions to the status quo in order to get us out of our current mess. Which would be too bad. He has a chance to instigate a real change in domestic and foreign policy, and I hope he can do it. But I don't think he can without the support and actice help of American citizens.

What kind of change?

At the very least, Obama represents change in the way young people think about politics. What I really hope is that the change he brings is in the way the American people view politics and what we do to become re-engaged in civil life. I'm not sure that he can bring immediate change to the politics of Washington, but I do think that gradual change in the way we as citizens work to bring change.

Are there too much prospects on Mr. Obama?

I definitely think that the expectations for Obama are rather high. Many are putting too much on what he can do, and, even though it is impossible for any politician to accomplish all s/he would like to do, it appears that Obama is going to be judged rather heavily on what he does -- and whether he does it quickly. I think that expectations are a little unrealistic for him.

What do you think about his health care plan?

I like the idea of giving American citizens access to affordable health care -- including the same health care that our legislators have access to. I am especially fond of the idea that all children should have access to health care. However, I would like to see a universal health care system on a national level, perhaps similar to what has worked well in Massachusetts. I don't think that Obama's plan goes far enough in ensuring that all Americans have access to affordable health care.

Do you think that Obama means a new American international policy?

I'm very hopeful that Obama will pursue more diplomatic and multi-lateral solutions. He seems willing to engage with other world leaders, and I hope that he does.

What do you think about Obama's plans for Iraq?

I like the idea of a withdrawal relatively soon. There really isn't a way to completely win in Iraq. Well, not and maintain ANY sort of moral high ground (what's left of it). It's clearly time to leave, since there is no way to completely subdue the country.

What are the reasons of the "Obama mania"?

I think that one of the main reasons for Obamamania is his youth and his hipness. He represents cool. As a youthful African-American, he represents what people in other countries think is cool about American culture. Also, I think that the fact that he is eloquent, inspiring and has progressive ideas is in his favor. People like to see hope and change, and Obama seems like the smart, energetic and capable person to get it all done.

Why do you think that Europe prefers Obama than Mc Cain?

McCain seems like more of the same -- George W. Bush -- and Europe (along with the rest of the world) quite obviously has had enough of Bush. Additionally, Obama seems much cooler and more of a citizen of the world than McCain, and that appears to be in his favor.

How do you imagine the US after Obama's first four years?

Hopefully a much better place than it is now. One always hopes for improvement, of course, but I hope that four years from now we will see an America that is more united, more tolerant of others and ready to take of others at home and abroad.

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1 comentari:

miranda ha dit...

Thank you for interviewing me! I set up a link to the interview from my blog :) Best wishes for you in the future.